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News and Notes


An Endangered Species

On December 8, 2023, the Government of Canada revised the monarch’s conservation status. The monarch is now classified “endangered” under the Species at Risk Act. This decision marks a crucial turning point in the protection of this iconic species.

A new status means new responsibilities and restrictions: actions such as capturing, hunting or altering the monarch butterfly’s habitat are now prohibited on Crown lands. What’s more, the government has committed to developing recovery strategies to ensure its survival.

What can you do to help protect the monarch? Create an oasis for them in your garden or participate in scientific research by going on a mission for the monarch!

The Mission Monarch team

PS: For more information on the change of status for the monarch butterfly, consult the Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Species at Risk Act.

GOOD BREAKING Barn Swallow NEWS! Here's an excerpt from our joint media release: The work of members and supporters of Prince Edward County Field Naturalists (PECFN), Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory (PEPtBO) and South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI) has resulted in a commitment by the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) to erect a Barn Swallow alternate nesting structure at the site of the former Barn Swallow nesting shed at Point Traverse by March 31!

The new alternate nesting structure will follow the design of those proven to be effective in other locations in Ontario.

Barn Swallows are a species at risk listed as Threatened federally and Special Concern in Ontario. “Adults show fidelity to breeding sites by commonly reusing the same nest. The number of old nests at a site at the start of the breeding season is also thought to serve as an important cue for young birds selecting their initial breeding location".

At least seven pairs of Barn Swallows traditionally have used the Point Traverse shed. “Although we were unable to save the nesting shed, our work had a positive result with the

commitment from CWS to build the alternate nesting structure immediately” commented SSJI vice president Cheryl Anderson. “The work of our three organizations over the weekend raised

awareness about these iconic aerial insectivores. Now more people will appreciate their importance to biodiversity and the web of life. Thank you to everyone who wrote and called Minister Guilbeault.”

The Canadian Wildlife Service removed the Barn Swallow nesting shed on February 27 as part of plans to remove all the remaining buildings of the fishing village that existed at Point Traverse since the nineteenth century.

Read and kindly share the full release on our site here:

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